Arevalo, Guillermo

I am Guillermo. I have been pastoring in Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico for eight years. We have recently connected with Bishop Myles Young through our pastor Jorge Vazquez. We have seen thirty five plus members receive the Holy Ghost in one week. We have been working with an ex-priest that recently left the Roman Catholic Church. He has a doctorate in theology, but because he left the church, all of his documents including his degree and visa were destroyed to make it difficult for him. After studying the Pastors Course in Spanish, I was honored to baptize him in the lovely Name of Jesus. We are looking forward to future crusades here in Delicias. We have finished the walls of our temple, but are lacking the roof.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Pray for Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico that we may see great growth this year.

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