Buyan Susan

I am pastora Susan Buyan, born on October 14, 1967, a native of Butuan Mindanao. I was converted in Manila on December 1988, after two years I decided to work in the church ACTS Life Tabernacle. I studied in the ACTS Bible College as a night school student. In 1993 I got married to Pastor Charlie Bolotaolo who at that time was pastoring in Tagbilaran City. We work there for four years until my husbands pancreas ruptured. Life was not easy but I stayed in the church, continuing the work of my husband. After two years the Lord blessed me with another marriage to Bro. Alex Buyan, who is a help to me in the ministry.

We started a bible study in Loon, another town of Bohol Province. At first it was just a home bible study and the Lord begin to bless us with new souls, baptizing them in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We decided to move to Ubayon Loon. We rented a piece of lot and sold our own house to build a church building. The church was made of light materials. We now have a place of worship.

In 2007 Bohol was hit with a strong typhoon and our church was destroyed. Until now we are not able to reconstruct it due to the lack of funds. As the saints prove themselves faithful we continue to have church even if we don't have a formal place of worship; praying that the Lord will do something in our situation.

God bless you include us in your prayers for greater revival in Ubayon Loon Bohol.

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