Escamilla, Guillermo

I am Guillermo Gomez Escamilla. I have been pastoring in Delicias, Mexico for ten years. I received the Holy Ghost and was baptized ten years ago. We are blessed to be pastoring here in the state of Chihuahua. Delicias is the youngest city in Mexico and is very modern. We have been blessed to have Bishop Myles Young and Pastor Vazquez to guide us in our Apostolic growth movement. We have two churches in this area. The other church my brother pastors. He preaches the same glorious truth. Our goal is to see this church grow to impact the surrounding areas. We have laid the foundation for a new building and erected the walls. The only thing that we lack now is the roof. It would cost about $6000 to construct the rest.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Pray for Villa Juarez that we may see great growth this year.

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