Gardea, Emmanuel K.

I was born on May 2, 1974 in Bahn Town, Bong County, Liberia. There was a time when I was seriously sick for a period of one year. All was done so that I could get well, but things grew worse. Our hope was gone, and we were awaiting my death, but Jesus healed me, knowing that I could become a part of His work. From that point, I began to pray each time I went to bed. My desire for the church grew, but with little idea. My parents were Methodist, but I can't remember them inviting me to church. I took it upon myself to visit my parent's church several times, but I was never active in the church.

When the civil war came to Liberia, my parents and I were displaced. We each found our own place of refuge. It was at this time that I came in contact with the Greater Refuge Temple Church. I first heard about repentance, water baptism in Jesus' Name, and speaking in tongues as the initial evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost. In April 1996 I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost for the first time ever in my life. Later, I also received water baptism by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus. At this point my desire for God's work grew more and more.

Due to continual fighting in that part of the country, I was forced to leave the church campus and settle in a town called Zeanzue. It was there that I came in contact with the UPC of Liberia. My active work for God started in this church. I began working in the church as a choir member, church secretary, Sunday school teacher, and evangelism head. On April 9, 1998 I was installed as a full pastor of the Good News UPC. Then on April 10, 1998 my wife and first daughter were involved in a serious car accident. My daughter was killed and my wife lay unconscious for days. The Spirit of God comforted me and I continued my pastorship.

Presently, I am the pastor of the Good News UPC and a preaching point in Gbopue's Town. I am a graduate of the Portable Bible School, and a third year student of the Maranatha Bible College of Theology. I am also a high school graduate. I am married and blessed with three children and have adopted three other children. Thank you for your financial support and prayers.

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