Gargar, Robert

I was born in Doewein, Grand Bassa County, Liberia. I am married and have four children. My parents were members of the UPC of Liberia.

I was baptized in 1990, but did not receive the Holy Ghost until 1998. In 1998 I was taught the 'Discover Wonderful Truth' Bible Study Course. Then I received the Holy Ghost and began to live a faithful life for the Lord Jesus Christ. From 1998-1999 I attended and completed the Portable Bible School.

Through my commitment and devotion to the Lord's work, I was appointed Secretary of the church. I also began to teach the Word of God. Later, I became a Sunday School teacher in the church. In 2004 I was appointed Assistant Pastor. As the power of God continued in my life, I was officially installed as pastor for the church following the death of our pastor.

I feel a call to evangelize the interior areas, going to every village. Thank you so very much for your financial support and prayers.

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