Garrison, Josiah

I was born on July 24, 1960 in Teelo Town, Gibi Territory, now Margibi County. My father was head deacon of the local church.

From my youth, I had interest in the church, even though, I was not saved. I became Youth President. The Pastor did not place emphasis on receiving the Holy Ghost. At that time we were not part of the UPC. Our Pastor died during the brutal civil war and there was no shepherd to guide the sheep. I ignorantly took the pulpit as the pastor, without the Holy Ghost. In 1996 I learned of a UPC assembly in Kakata (about 25 miles). I contacted the pastor, Elder Edwin Y. Forkpah. He sent Bro John C. Mulbah to work with us. Bro Mulbah restructured the church leadership and reduced the church to a Preaching Point. No one in the church had received the Holy Ghost. Bro. Mulbah and I walked 3 hours (one way) every week for 3 years to revive the church. While he was teaching us, I enrolled in the Portable Bible School.

A revival was held in Kakata and I received the Holy Ghost for the first time in my life. That experience encouraged me to get my entire family and extended family saved. I am happy to state that all my sisters, mother, nieces, and nephews are filled with the Holy Ghost, baptized in Jesus' Name, and actively involved in the work of God.

I thank God to be called a Pastor. It is a miracle. Thank you for your financial support and prayers.

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