Garyezohn, Robert S.

I was born in Doewein, Grand Bassa County, Liberia on May 22, 1960. I am married to Mrs. Fatu Garyeazohn and we have six children. My mother was a Christian, but my father was not. However, my father did receive and obey the truth prior to his death. Both parents were members of the Doewein UPC.

In 1980 I attended a UPC Sectional conference. At the end of the conference, I was baptized in Jesus' Name and received the Holy Ghost.
After faithful service, God began to use me in the following ministries:
1982-1993 - Church Secretary
1987 - Received minister license
1996-2002 - Assistant Pastor
June 2002-Present' Pastor and founder of New Life UPC

New Life UPC is located in the interior of Liberia. I minister throughout the area in church planting, rural evangelism, and train ministers in the Portable Bible School.

When God called me to preach, I had no Biblical knowledge. I took my problem to the Lord in prayer. God answered my prayer and I received a scholarship to attend Maranatha Bible College (MBC). I completed 3 years of Bible College sponsored by the Ladies' Ministry.

Thank you so very much for your financial support and prayers.

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