Kasaijja, Edison

My name is Pastor Edison Kasaijja, Regional Overseer of Central Uganda. I was born in 1964 in Rubona Village, Kabalore District of Western Uganda.
In 1971, when I was just 7 years old I got epilepsy, a disease which people know as an incurable one. Every month I would be attacked with the demon of epilepsy and it would throw me down. Because of this disease, I did not attain enough education.

When I came to Kampala in 1997, I came with one purpose and that was to look for money, buy a bicycle and leave it with my wife, who had born 4 children for me, then I would die. Little did I know that God was bringing me to Kampala to meet his anointed servant Bishop John. While in Kampala, my brother Balikebera told me that there was a Pastor who prays for people and they get healed. So I went to Bishop John and told him my problem. Bishop John prayed for me and told me that “now you are healed, God has healed you.” From that day, I have never again fallen sick of epilepsy. Since that time, I sat under the teaching of Bishop John. He baptized me, trained me and I was ordained a pastor on 29 January 2005.

In 2006, Bishop John came from American and told us that he had found the right and true doctrine of the oneness of God, baptism in the name of Jesus and I came to understand that surely I need to be baptized in the name of Jesus. I was then re-baptized by Bishop John. Some pastors thought Bishop John was introducing a cult and the church broke off from us with many believers.

In 2007, I was appointed Regional Overseer of Central Uganda. I am now very healthy, prospering, preaching the true gospel of the Lord just as the Apostles did. I am married with five children and we all love the Lord.

Pastor Edison Kasaijja

Regional Overseer of Central Uganda

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