Kollie, David

I was born in Gbarnga Gboketa, Liberia on March 16, 1965 to my parents Mr. and Mrs. Seykou Sirleaf. My father was a Mandingo (Muslim) by tribe. Neither of my parents were Christians, but practiced the traditional beliefs.

When my mother was three months pregnant with me, my father died. She told me she was compelled to marry Mr. Dougbah Kollie. He had 10 wives when they married.

I started my primary school in 1975 and completed elementary school in 1981. In 1982 I enrolled in Junior High School in Kakata. I completed high school at Booker Washington Institute in 1988 with plans to enter the University of Liberia.

Our brutal civil war started in 1989 and I fled for home. At that time I was not thinking about God because of my past life. In 1992 I was invited to visit a fellowship service by my future wife. At that service the Lord called me and said that he had a job for me to do, and that I should repent from my sins.

My conversion came slowly because I was too deep in traditional practices. The war drove us to Zenzue. God was still dealing with my heart. On May 26, 1996 I was baptized in Jesus' Name and began living for God. However, I did not receive the Holy Ghost until 1999. Since then I have been a Christian.

While in Good News UPC, Zenzue, I held positions as: Men Department President, Assistant Youth President, and Chairman of Evangelism. I later moved to Gwees Town and established Salvation UPC. I still pastor there. We are presently building a new building and average 90 people in Sunday School. God is blessing us.

I am married to Mrs. Christiana Kollie and we have six children.

Thank you so very much for your financial support and prayers.

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