Kollie, Vifalay J.

I am Brother J. Vifalay Kollie, born in Kondesu, Liberia on May 20, 1969. I am married to Sister Sangay Kollie and God have blessed us with five children.
Both my parents were Muslims and highly involved in the secret societies of Liberia. It was only by God’s grace that I was delivered from that life style.
In 1982, I visited the United Pentecostal Church of Liberia located in Monrovia. My uncle, Rev. Nathan S. Kortu, Jr. was a member there and I noticed that he was really dedicated to the Almighty God. Rev. Kortu became my role model. Because of him I was moved, motivated and encouraged to associate myself with the UPCL.

I was living quite a distance from the church and at the age of thirteen I was unable to provide transportation to continue my fellowship with the church. My fellowship was irregular up to the time our civil war started. I left Monrovia and returned to my village, Kondesu. When I arrived in Kondesu I met the UPC establishment. I started fellowshipping with the church. On May 8, 1994, I heard the pastor, Rev. Mark V. Murphy calling for baptismal candidates to be baptized at the river side. I saw both girls and boys standing in a long line to be baptized. I was immediately convicted in my heart and knew I should be baptized that day. I was baptized in Jesus Name, however, I did not receive the Holy Ghost.

In 1998, at the Section III Conference, God filled me with the Holy Ghost.
I am presently a fourth year student at the Maranatha Bible College (UPCL). In my local church I serve as church secretary and evangelist.

Thank you so very much for remembering me in your support for the work in Africa. I want to work while it is day.

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