Kpenkel, Varney K.

I was born in 1959 in Yomo Town, Liberia. I came from a Muslim background. As a result of this, I did not know the Lord early. I never had the opportunity of an education as many young children did. At the age of 17, I was brought from the interior to start my primary education in 1976. At that time, I could not understand or speak English, only my native dialect.

At the age of 18 I was taken to the Harmon Hill UPC by a cousin. It was my first time in a church building and seeing a pastor. I could not understand anything that was going on the first few week,s but I continued going. The Lord began to open my understanding and I began to develop interest and love in the Word of God and the gospel songs. One day when the pastor asked who wanted to be baptized, I put my hand up. The following Sunday, I and many others were baptized in Jesus' Name. That was in 1977. The following year, 1978, the Lord filled me with the Holy Ghost.

After this great experience my pastor began to use me in the local church. In 1979 I was appointed an usher. From 1980-1989 I was the Director of the Youth Dialect Choir. The following year, I was assigned to one of the preaching points, outside the city, as pastor. This Preaching Point later received church status and I remained the pastor. While pastor, I served as Sectional Youth President for one year. I was elected National Youth Secretary/Treasurer in 1988. In 1999 I served as National Youth President.

From 2003-2005, I was appointed National Apostolic Men's Ministry secretary/treasurer. In 2006, I was appointed National President of the Apostolic Men's Ministry, a position I presently hold. I have completed 3 years of classroom study at the Maranatha Bible College of Theology and will be graduating on July 20, 2008. The past four years I have been pastor of the Mother Church on Bomi Hills Mission. Souls are baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost on a weekly and monthly basis in great numbers.

Since God called me and changed my life, He has been a blessing to me in the ministry. The Lord gave me a beautiful wife, Sister Hawa, and seven children.

Thank you so very, very much for your financial support and prayers.

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