Kwesula, Daniel

My name is Mr. Daniel Kwesula and I live in Kenkebu, Kadama sub-county of Budaka District. I was born in 1980 to Mr. Joseph Kwesula.
Since I dropped out of school in 1992, I have been a peasant. I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church. In 1997, I was filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus Name. When my parents were informed that I was born again, they decided to throw me out of their home. I then stayed in the Bishop’s home until he helped me get some land to settle on and the church helped find me a wife. God used me as a Sunday School teacher at first and now I am the Assistant Pastor of Kekebu Revival & Salvation Apostolic church.

In 1999, I got married and now have 3 children. I also look after 4 orphans after a plea was made by the Bishop and I felt the need to help.

I just want to Praise God for completely changing my life. I would like to thank God for the good leadership of Bishop John who has also helped me grow in “spirit”. Although we are faced by the challenge of poverty and persecution from sects raising up against us in our area, God is doing great and wonderful miracles. With God’s power, we shall prevail!

Please continue praying for us! God bless you! I remain yours in the Lord,

Daniel Kwesula
Assistant Pastor
Kekebu Revival & Salvation Apostolic Church

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