Mbayo, Vincent

My name is Vincent Mbayo. I was born in Kagumu sub-county, Palisa District. My parent’s names are Mr. Payinanto Mbayo and Edisa Khsakya.

I am now 39 years old. I am married and blessed with 7 children, 4 boys and 3 girls. To answer the urge by our Bishop, I have also adopted 6 more orphans and I am ministering as a pastor.
From drunkerdness to salvation, it was a miracle. I was a kind that could drink until all the beers were cleared from the bar. It all started when I had just dropped out of school. That was after my ‘O’ level certificate and after the death of my father I had no one to support me, so I could not continue my education. Therefore I resorted to brewing a local gin known as Waragi for my survival and this is when I got addicted to drinking habits. I could have stayed at home to drink, but I enjoyed drinking in groups, therefore, I joined other colleagues in different bars.

During that time, no one could dare tell me anything concerning salvation, until things were unveiled. One day I woke up and walked to one of the local bars early in the morning to begin drinking which went on until late mid night. I drunk that day to the point that I was about to die because I didn’t know how I got back home. The only thing I can recall was the dream I had. In that dream, I saw Bishop John who was by then a pastor to one of our village churches, and he was praying for me. When I recovered from the hangover, it was a Sunday, and I went straight to the church to fulfill my dream and Pastor prayed for me. This is how I received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. But thereafter, I continued drinking, but in secret because I had not disclosed to my colleagues, not until my stepfather also got saved. One day my stepfather invited Bishop John to come and pray for the family as it was ready to receive Jesus Christ. That was the day my stepfather’s “shrines” were burnt. This is when I also came out openly to my stepfather and other colleagues and together with my parents, we were all baptized and I finally stopped drinking. I became so submissive to my pastor, now a Bishop and he helped me to grow spiritually. Having noticed the gift which was in me, Bishop continued praying for me and encouraged me until he confirmed me as one of the servants of God ministering as a Pastor in a newly opened church in Kagumu.

I request that you continue praying for me that God uses me more! God bless you! I remain yours in Christ Jesus!

Vincent Mbayo

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