Mejias, Ludrito

I am Pastor Ludrito Mejias, born on February 11, 1947 a native of Bohol Province. I am married to Escolastica Mejias and the Lord has blessed us with five children.

The Lord called me in the ministry through a serious sickness. As I lay in my bed for a long time I knew the Lord was calling me to the ministry. I hesitated to answer the call until the day that I thought I cannot make it anymore. I accepted the calling. After I accepted the calling the Lord instantly healed my body.

Today I am pastoring two churches, one in La Victoria, Bohol and the other is in Batuan, Bohol. The Lord is using me to open different works here in our province. We have a lot of bible studies where there is no apostolic church. Some of them I gave to the other ministers who do not have church to pastor. Some of them we baptized but because of distance we are not able to finance the work.

Our church in Batuan is growing and the building we now have is to small for us.
It is my desire to open more work here in our province. Include me in your prayers that God will enable me to do the things that God has put in my heart. God bless.

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