Michael, Koire

My name is Koire Frederick Michael. I was bon 16 april 1959 in Kamonkoli Village, Budaka District. At the age of 8 months, my mother divorced my father. My father took me away from my mother to live with my grandmother. I grew up not knowing my mother until the age of 8 years. Because my father’s drunkerdness he could not pay for my education so my grandmother paid for it when she could.

Sometimes I had to take a whole year off from school because she couldn’t afford it. By God’s will, I was able to study from 1st grade to my early years of high school. I got a job in 1984 through 1988 as a social worker with Christian Children’s Fund Inc.

In 1988 I joined the Police force as a recruit constable. I went through ranks from constable to assistant superintendent of Police. While in the police force I met Bishop John Wayabire and he preached to me the gospel. At one time in 1978 I had decided to be saved, but the people who were helping me at the time would not allow me to. Sometime in 1998, I finally accepted the Gospel and joined Bishop John Wayabire. He taught me a bible study, trained me how to pray, and through the years I have become a strong man of God.

In 2006, bishop came from American and called all Pastors and the Executive for a meeting. In this meeting he told us that God had led him to the church of Truth and Holyness, a church that is following the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ which he left with his Apostles. In this he told us that he had been baptized in the name of Jesus just as the Bible teaches. This brought about a lot of Chaos in the meeting as everybody was referring to Matthew 28:19. The meeting lasted an entire day with Bishop teaching us as we all thought he was teaching us a cult.

Members were advising Bishop to completely leave that doctrine or they would all leave. In the entire group, it was me who first sided with Bishop having listened to his explanation and teachings. About half of the people in that meeting totally disagreed with Bishop. Those of us who accepted went and were baptized. Approximately 3 Pastors and ¾ of the church members in the Kampala church left and started their own church.

This was a big blow, but we were not done. Those who were baptized also received the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues. In 2006, God told me that He had chosen me to do his work, I became so on fire for God that I started preaching even at the Police parades or “suspects parade” criminals in custody. I was accused by the District Police commander that I had turned the Police station into a church. The Regional Police commander called me in his office and I told them that it was the best way to fight crime because once one believes the Gospel, he will never commit a crime again. I was told to write a letter stating that I shall never preach in the office, police cells or at the station anymore. I refused, so they told me to either resign or stop preaching on Police premises. I told them I would rather resign than stop preaching, so they escorted me out of the Police station. From that time, I was suspended from duty and later discharged from the Police force. Therefore the vehicle I was using was taken away and I no longer had an income.

At that time, I didn’t have a home to go to. The house I was building was incomplete and I did not have money to rent a house, yet I had my wife and twelve children, 8 of my own and 4 adopted orphans, to take care of. Bishop helped me with rent for some months but he couldn’t continue because of so many other obligations he had. I have now reached a point that I can no longer send any of my children to school because of financial hardship.

Presently, I am the Assistant Administrator in our ministry of Revival & Salvation Apostolic ministries. I am a teacher of the doctrine of our Lord Jesus and I love baptizing people in the name of Jesus. Thousands of people have been baptized by me in the name of Jesus and many have been filled with the Holy Ghost.
I preach and teach both on Radio programs and in open crusades. I also am an interpreter for other ministers. I am a full time minister.

Pastor Korie Fred
Assistant Administrator

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