Omol, Pedro

I am Pastor Pedro Omol, born on May 19, 1962 in Montehermoso, Carmen, Bohol. I am the seventh child in the family and my parents are Norberto and Valeriana Omol. I finished my elementary grades in Villahermoso, Carmen, Bohol.

I got married to Lourdes F. Omol and was converted and baptized in Jesus name in 1979 by Pastor Manatad. I continued serving God in the church of the late Pastor Emiliano Patayan until I was called to the ministry in 1997. I became a Pastor in Bohog Church up to the present. After this I felt a call to transfer to Valencia, Bohol. I have started a work here in Valencia in spite of many obstacles and trials. Thank God, we are still able to survive! We are doing some door knocking and bible studies in Valencia, Bohol. There's no Apostolic believer yet in our area but as I do the work of the Lord believing God will open doors for us. We are in need of tracts and Sunday school materials for adult and children.

Please include us in your prayers for a greater move of God's Spirit that many souls will be won to the Lord and that He will provide for our own lot and church building.

Thank you so much for your prayers and May God richly bless you.

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