Patayan, Nelson

I am Pastor Nelson Patayan of Montevedeo Carmen, Bohol. I was born March 6, 1960. My parents were the late Pastor Emilio and Bernarda Patayan of the same place. I was unable to finish my secondary education due to financial problems because there are many in my family.

I was baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ March 15, 1977. My father, the pastor of our church in Montevedeo, sent me to Bible school in Manila at Philippine Evangelistic Center. In 1984, I went back to my hometown and married Sis. Evangelyn. I started a pioneer work in La Victoria, Bohol in 1990. Then I transferred to Dagohoy, Bohol. I pastored there until 2001. When my father died the saints in our home church in Montevedeo invited me to pastor in my father's place.

The Lord has blessed me with seven children. My eldest daughter graduated from ACTS Bible College and is a great help to the ministry. I now have two children in college, two in high school, and two in elementary school. I am trying my best to send them to school so they may complete their education. By faith the Lord is doing many miracles for us, providing our needs, and honoring our desire to send our children to school.

Presently, I am pastoring in Montevedeo. The Lord bless us with more saints. It is our desire to extend our church building in order to accommodate our increasing church attendance during Sunday services. Please include us in your prayers for revival and God's continous blessings spiritually, numerically, and financially.

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