Reyes, Wellina

I am Pastora Wellina Reyes born June 22, 1968 at Calabanga Camarines Sur, Luzon, Philippines. I am the youngest daughter of Mr. Wellie and Arlina Habal. I was converted on this Apostolic Doctrine Febraury 22, 1988. After a year I decided to work in the church as I felt Gods calling in my life. I studied in ACTS Bible College three years as a night school student and one year as a day school student. After seven years of working in the church, the Lord opened a door for me to pastor a church in Labo Camarines Norte. The church was abandoned by their pastor due to lack of finances and the church building was destroyed by a typhoon. I stayed there one year. The Lord performed many miracles. One of them being a blue baby who needed an operation but the Lord instantly healed her. Because of that miracle the backsliders were restored.

In 1998, the Lord impressed me to go to Tagbilaran City Bohol which is far and has a different dialect. The Pastor there just died and his wife ask me to help her in Tagbilaran City. I felt it is the will of the Lord for me to work there, so I decide to go. June 7, 2000 I was married to Bro. Junnie Reyes who is a great help to me in the ministry.

Tagbilaran City is the only city in the island of Bohol. We worked there for ten years. We produced three churches in near towns. Two were active but one is not since it is far and we don't have enough funds to support it. We keep on praying that the Lord will make a way for us to continue the work. We don't own property in this city. Therefore we have transferred many times renting a place to worship the Lord. Our church attendance is eighty and growing. Our goal is to reach the fifteen barangays of this city.

Thank you very much. May the Lord continue to bless you. We covet your prayers.

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