David, Supo

I am Pastor Supo Ballah David, citizen of Liberia. I was born in Gbarpolu county. My parents were Mr. Sekou David and Mrs. Yatta David. Both of them were not Christians. They dedicated their lives to the world as they wanted it.

From the time that I was small, we often ate food that had been offered to idols. There was plenty of drinking alcohol and smoking in our home. My parents often did sacrifices to a god that they said was our family god. As I grew older I began to get involved in the same life style.

But one day, I began to know the Lord through an evangelism group that came across me. They began witnessing to me about this man, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. They told me that this Jesus gave his life for me on the cross so that I can be saved from the hands of the devil, the god of this world. They asked me if I wanted to be saved. I said 'yes' and they prayed with me. From that time, I knew that someone loved me and he gave his life for me that I could be saved. My eyes were opened to the truth and the difference between good and evil. I repented of my sins and was baptized in Jesus Name for the remission of my sins and God filled me with the Holy Ghost. After that, I began to live an overcoming life as Christ wanted me to live for him.

Life after salvation is a much better life that life before salvation because He will be in you and you will be in Christ Jesus, then you will know good from evil throughout your life.

I am married to Sister Musu B. David and we have 6 children. I also pastor Farwhen Town UPC in Gbarpolu County. My whole family is involved in the work of God.

Thank you so very much for your prayers and financial support. This financial blessing will enable my family to be fully involved in the ministry.

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