Yarkpai, Joshua

I am a Liberian by nationality and from the Kpelle ethnic group. I was born in Zalakai, Bokomu District on March 25, 1975. I am married and have three children.

My parents were not in the church and were actively involved in the secret societies. In 1980 my father initiated me into the secret society. In 1982 my father died from a snake bite. After the death of my father I lost all hope because there was nobody who could train me. I became a fatherless and lost child.

My mother did not attend any church but I used to see my friends being taken to church by their parents. I decided one day to follow them to church. I was in the corner of the church and fell asleep. After the dismissal, everyone left the church and left me there. About midnight I awoke. While walking out of the church I could see no one to take me to my house. While walking in the darkness through the middle of town I faced a lot of difficulties with evil spirits.The next morning I took sick and almost died. It was only Jesus who saved me because he had a plan for my life. When your parents are not part of the church, and you as a child, decide to live for God you have real battles to fight that only Jesus can fight for you.

On April 26, 1992 I was baptized in Jesus Name and filled with the Holy Ghost. I have held the following positions in the church: Sunday School Choir Director, Evangelistic Choir Director, Local Youth President, Bible Teacher, Assistant Pastor and now Pastor.

Please pray for me and the church God has called me to pastor; let Him give me knowledge and wisdom to lead his people in Jesus Name, Amen!

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